Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash is a anime with one season of 12 episodes. The story follows a group of people who suddenly find themselves in a fantasy world with no memories from before their arrival, and chronicles their struggles to survive and make a life for themselves. The goal of this project is to recreate the manga into one video-game, with a unique fighting system, quest, a story rich, and a faithful environment.
Implementation of a checklist of all the things which we have to do :
Obsiously, there aren't all of things but we'll write during the game developpement.
Drawing the blueprints of the interfaces of the game :
The Skill Windows :
The Trader Windows :
All HUD blueprints are here
Creating the map of the game according to the anime, the unknow terrain was invented by taking inspiration from the anime :
We continue to draw blueprints of UI , here we have drawn the dialog window and info window.
We continue to create the best grimgar map but we have set up the 3 skills schools Agility, Magic, and Strength, each schools has their specifications. The doc of this 3 skills but in french :) :
We have set up the skills of each Skill School ( Agility, Magic and Strength ), each skill tree have 11 Skills and 4 Power Up (HP or Strength for exemple). We have set up the caracteritics of each skill (Name, attack, stamina cost, the effetc etc...) but we can't show this because we don't want to spoil you ;)
We have drawn,the two first basic icons : the Stamina icon and the SkillPoint icon
We have set up the Player Menu, with functional buttons, animations and other features.
We have set up the Inventory, with dynamic informations panel and other cool features.
Setting up the save system and the Pause menu and its options
We've selected a area from the whole map which we're going to use in first for our game. Then we cut this area into other areas which we're going to detail .
We made 5 areas of the map to have a basic idea to what we have to do for the level design .